Simple Spring Cleaning for Seniors

Spring is in the air!  If the brilliant blooms and warmer temperatures aren’t enough to convince you, then maybe the lovely green dust is!  Chances are you’ve already had to spray down your patio and dust off your furniture to prevent green clouds from billowing out every time you sit down outdoors.  Cue the SPRING CLEANING!  That’s right…this is a great time to give everything a good scrub down, both inside and out!  The type A personalities are jumping with joy, though the type B individuals may be a bit more hesitant to dive in.

With shows like “The Home Edit” and “Marie Kondo” sitting in Top 10 on Netflix, week after week following their debuts, there’s no doubt that people enjoy tidy spaces.  It looks so easy when a team of professionals come in and transform your space in a 30 minute segment, but we all know that isn’t reality.  You can still achieve a clean and organized space without hiring professionals or doing back breaking work.  Follow these simple steps to get your home in order and your spring cleaning underway!


Make a Plan

Before you organize your space, organize your thoughts!  Decide which areas of your home are a priority and tackle those first.  To simplify your spring cleaning and make the task less daunting, work in small increments.  Not everything has to be completed on the same day, or even in the same week or month.  You may begin with your most frequently used spaces, or the areas that you spend the majority of your time in.  Take a few minutes making a list and mapping out your game plan before getting started.  This will help direct you along the way, while allowing you the satisfaction of checking off completed tasks.


Clean up the Clutter and REMOVE FALL RISKS

Once you’ve decided where to start, begin by removing the clutter from that specific space.  The main goal here is to create clear and tidy walkways throughout your home, reducing the risk of tripping or falling.  The CDC reports approximately 36 million falls each year, with clutter being a contributing factor.  Clear your space and reduce the chances of being a part of that statistic.  Make sure you do not have any unnecessary furniture or knick knacks throughout your space.

With clear pathways throughout, you’re now ready to concentrate on more specific areas.  It’s beneficial to approach each space with keep, donate, and trash piles.  Go through your closet(s) and weed out any clothes, shoes, or accessories that you no longer wear.  Sift through your pantry and discard any food items that are outside of the expiration date.  Consider donating any kitchen appliances or gadgets that you haven’t touched since your last spring cleaning.  Go space by space, room by room and repeat this same process.  If this task is too overwhelming, recruit help to assist you in making these decisions and properly placing these items.

Freeing up space and organizing your “keep” items helps to ensure safety throughout your home.  It makes things easier to clean and easier to access.  This process can reduce stress and sometimes even prevent insomnia.


Makeover your Medicine Cabinet

An annual cleaning of your medicine cabinet allows you to keep your medications up-to-date and easy to find.  Sort through all of your over-the-counter medicines, along with your prescriptions.  Properly discard anything that is out of date or no longer needed.  Not all medications can be flushed or thrown in the trash, so be sure to take special care when disposing of your unwanted medications.  Once you’ve eliminated the clutter, replace any medications or medical supplies that you’d like to keep on hand and reorganize your medicine cabinet.  This will have you prepared for future needs.


Save the Heavy Lifting

Get your loved ones, or community volunteers, involved for any heavy lifting that may need to be done.  If you’re looking to deep clean behind the couch, or relocate a piece of furniture, be sure to allow someone to help you to prevent injury.  Make a list of things that require assistance and save them for a time when you have an extra pair of hands.


Check your Emergency Devices

An annual check of your smoke & carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and other emergency kits are all great tasks to add to your spring cleaning.  These hard-to-reach places, that require climbing onto a ladder, should also be saved for when you have assistance.  Do not overexert yourself or put yourself in danger to check these tasks off your list.


These simple tips can have you on your way to a clean, tidy, and safe space to enjoy throughout the year!