
Becoming a Confident Caregiver

Just when you think you’ve got things all figured out, life has a tendency to throw you a curveball.  You may find yourself in a steady rhythm of your day-to-day responsibilities, finding just the right balance between work and play.  Or perhaps, exciting changes are taking place; you’re starting a new career, entering retirement, beginning […]

A Daily Dose of Sunshine

Do the winter months have you hibernating indoors? Are you reluctant to go outside due to the cold weather?  Have the shorter days decreased the amount of time you spend outdoors? If so, you may find that you’ve noticed a change in your mood and energy levels, among other things.  While this can be a […]

Setup for Success in 2024

With the fresh start and the promise of a new year, the majority of Americans have set a resolution, with the hopes of conquering a new goal in 2024.  By the end of week one, twenty-three percent of those individuals will already throw in the towel, with another thirty-six percent giving up before February arrives.  […]

Making Spirits Bright

For many, Christmas is a joyous time of year, filled with great laughter, merriment, and even a touch of magic.  Store fronts are adorned with window displays, decorations, and eye-catching sales.  Inside you can find shoppers frantically searching for the perfect gifts to give their loved ones.  Calendars are overbooked with Christmas parties, to-do lists, […]

Supporting a Senior with Dementia this Holiday Season

Santa isn’t the only one making a list and checking it twice!  Chances are at this given moment, you have multiple to-do lists floating around your home or saved in your phone.  There is a list of gifts to purchase, a list of hors d’oeuvres, entrees, and desserts for your holiday menu, a list of […]

Immune Boosting Tips for Older Adults

‘Tis the Season… for cold, flu, and all of the other wonderful germs floating around town, trying to invade your home!  For some, these illnesses are a mere discomfort and inconvenience, thwarting your weekend plans and forcing you to use vacation days at work.  You can expect to hunker down for the next few days, […]